Paint doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, paint significantly affects a space’s overall atmosphere. If you’re looking to spruce up your home, try utilizing one of these unique paint techniques to complement your interior design and create visual interest.
#1. Geometric Designs
If your home could use some added visual interest, consider utilizing paint to create some geometric designs. There’s no limit to the patterns you can paint, from stripes to checkerboards to polka dots.
This unique paint technique is an excellent way to make your home’s interior design stand out, but be careful not to overdo it — an over-reliance on bold geometric designs can be overwhelming. Use this unique paint technique sparingly, sticking to accent walls or small areas.
To create these designs, thorough preparation is key. Careful measuring and taping ensure your geometric patterns look clean and uniform. It may take some extra time, but the professional end result is definitely worth it.
#2. Color Blocking
Similar to geometric patterns, color blocking is another unique paint technique you can utilize to make your home pop. When done right, painting blocks of color on a wall rather than covering the whole space can create focal points and define the space’s boundaries.
To utilize color blocking effectively, it’s important to have contrast. You’ll need two colors of paint that aren’t too close to the same shade. Consider using a neutral tone as the background, then a bold hue to create the color-blocking details. If you want a more subdued effect, you could use the same color in different shades, like a light blue and a dark blue.
You’ll also want to consider the layout and design details of the room in order to determine what kind of color blocking would best suit it. For example, if you want to highlight a reading nook in your living room or a breakfast bar in your kitchen, you could paint the walls around it in a contrasting color. To bring attention to a large piece of artwork on the wall, you can paint a stripe or arch behind it to make it stand out.
Additionally, you can utilize this unique paint technique to “fake” architectural details like wainscoting. Painting a contrasting color halfway up the wall or bringing the ceiling color down a foot or two can make plain spaces look more sophisticated. You could also use paint to emphasize the architectural details your home does have, like windows, doorways, and thresholds.
#3. Stencils
Stencils make it easy to add complex patterns to your walls; however, just like with geometric designs, careful preparation is crucial. Make sure your stencils are aligned properly, then tape them down so they don’t shift while you’re painting. This is especially important if you’re painting a repeating pattern — even the slightest variation in placement can throw off the whole thing.
#4. Add Texture
Adding texture to your walls through various unique painting techniques can create a sense of depth and visual interest. There are many ways to achieve this, from simple techniques like color washing to more advanced methods such as strie painting.
Color washing involves layering two colors of paint — typically a darker and lighter shade of the same color — to create a textural effect. To achieve this, start with a solid base coat, then use a brush or sponge to messily apply the two colors, allowing bare patches and brush strokes to show. Remember, you’re aiming for a uniform look similar to the texture of concrete, not big splotches of color.
Limewash paint, which utilizes crushed limestone in its formula, has gained popularity due to the chalky texture and romantic, old-world feel it provides. The application method is important in creating the texture; depending on the direction of your brushstrokes, you can develop different looks.
Strie painting creates an illusion of the walls being covered with fine fabric. This subtle striped texture is achieved by first painting a base coat and then brushing on a contrasting color watered down with glaze. This mixture is then applied on top of the base coat with a roller, and before it dries, a paintbrush is used to create vertical strokes from top to bottom.
Let Brush Brothers Help With Your Unique Paint Projects
If you want the job done right, trust the painting experts at Brush Brothers. Our team of highly-trained professionals has experience working on a wide array of projects, both residential and commercial, so you can be sure your home or business is in good hands. No matter how unique your painting project is, we can help!